In Heaven's Court: Sin and the Legal Access It Grants
Many misunderstand the nature of sin and its consequences. It is not merely about morality or religious rules—it is about spiritual access and authority. Just as physical laws govern nature, there are spiritual laws that dictate how the unseen world operates. These laws determine whether we walk in spiritual protection or open ourselves to attack from the enemy.
Spiritual Laws vs. The Laws of Moses
It is essential to distinguish between spiritual laws and the laws of Moses.
- Spiritual laws are universal principles set by God, governing the spiritual realm. They exist whether we acknowledge them or not, just as gravity exists regardless of our belief in it. Sin grants access to the enemy because it aligns us with darkness, separating us from the presence of God’s light.
- The laws of Moses were given to Israel as part of the Old Covenant, outlining ceremonial, moral, and civil requirements. These laws were necessary because people did not yet walk in the fullness of the Spirit and required external guidelines to maintain righteousness.
While the Old Covenant laws were fulfilled by Jesus Christ, spiritual laws remain in effect because they are part of God’s divine order. Just as we recognize scientific laws that govern nature, we must recognize that sin disrupts spiritual order, creating legal access for the enemy to operate in our lives.
The Testaments: Legal Documents Against the Enemy
Through a revelation after my own legal battle in 2012, I came to understand that Scripture is a legal case against Satan. The Old and New Testaments are more than historical or religious texts—they are divine court documents explaining God’s justice system.
- Just as in human courts, laws, agreements, testimonies, and amendments play a role in determining legal standing, so too do they operate in the spiritual realm.
- The Old Covenant acted as the original agreement, where breaking the law required sacrifice and atonement.
- Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to amend this agreement—He fulfilled the penalty for sin on behalf of all who would believe in Him. This New Covenant is an amendment to the original legal case, removing the power of sin’s penalty over believers.
The Role of Jesus Christ: The Divine Amendment
Jesus came to fulfill the law (Matthew 5:17) and, in doing so, changed the legal standing of humanity. He took on the penalty of sin and declared a new agreement:
Those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are now free from the judgment of sin (Romans 8:1).
The enemy no longer has a rightful legal claim over us unless we willingly give him access through sin.
The New Covenant is not about following rules but about being reconciled to God through faith in Christ.
Just as in human courts, when an amendment is made, the previous ruling is nullified for those who accept the new terms. In this way, Jesus legally nullified the first covenant’s requirement for punishment, making grace the new ruling for those who accept it.
The Cost of Following Christ: A Target on Our Backs
Though we are free from sin’s eternal penalty, we are not free from the consequences of spiritual warfare. When we accept the New Covenant, we are essentially renouncing the kingdom of this world, ruled by Satan (John 12:31). This immediately places us in opposition to the world and its ruler, leading to persecution and rejection.
Jesus warned us of this reality:
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” (John 15:18)
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
Just as a citizen of one country may be treated with hostility in another, believers in Christ are seen as foreigners to this world. We belong to God’s kingdom, and the enemy recognizes us as threats to his dominion.
Walking in Victory: Understanding Our Legal Standing in Christ
While sin gives the enemy access, repentance and faith in Christ remove that access. Our best defense is:
Staying under God’s covering – Through repentance and obedience, we remain in His protection.
Knowing our identity – Understanding that Christ’s sacrifice legally freed us from sin’s claim.
Filling ourselves with the Holy Spirit – Keeping our lamps full (Matthew 25:1-13) ensures we are not vulnerable.
Recognizing spiritual attacks for what they are – When faced with hardship, we must discern whether we are opening doors through sin or simply experiencing the persecution that comes with following Christ.
Conclusion: The Legal Case Has Been Won
Jesus has already settled the legal case against humanity. The enemy has no rightful claim over those who are in Christ. However, when we sin, we grant temporary access for him to afflict, deceive, and attack. This is not about fear—it is about understanding spiritual realities.
The good news is that we have been given the authority to walk in victory, closing every doorway of the enemy through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
The case is settled. The New Covenant is established. Walk in the victory that has already been won.